Optimism and Stick-to-it-ive-ness
My friend Anne applying a little umph to get the skin in the track Optimism and Stick-to-it-ive-ness is a deadly weapon to time schedules. I think that Shasta restorers must have both. That and loved ones who have deep reservoirs of patience and understanding for missed deadlines. All said, we are looking at being probably 2 weeks behind our latest revised departure date (June 14) and I am trying to inject some realism and take pride in the bits that get accomplished each day and let go of those things that seem out of my control. Can someone come up with a Shasta Serenity prayer? Enough philosphizing...much progress to report. A couple of days ago my friend Anne and I finished adding the skin and started putting in windows, till I ran out of butyl tape Aquadream has her skin Me putting in the first window! Yesterday was full of highs and lows. First the high...and I was so excited I forgot to document it....wait for it.... WE TOWED AQU...